Regex: The Basics
Regex is an interesting language.
On one hand, it’s a great way to recognize specific patterns of characters and is one of the foundations of modern compilers. On the other hand, an oft-quoted saying in programming is that “You have a problem. You use regex. You now have two problems.”
One of the main reasons behind this is because many people try to use regex to parse entire languages, or structured languages that have existing parsers like HTML/XML. This is not a good use of regex, since there are other tools that are much better suited to that sort of problem.
How Regex Works
Regex works by way of a state machine. Each character that it’s supposed to recognize is turned into a node that can transition to other states, or fail. For example, if I wanted to recognize a string of the form “abc def”, I’d need a state machine that had 9 different states: a start, 5 intermediates, an accepting state, and a rejecting “sink” state.
There’s a lot of notation here, but basically the idea is when you recieve an input character that matches one of the characters on the arrows, you follow that arrow. With a few simple operations on these state machines, you can represent a lot of pretty complex patterns.
Let’s start simple: we want to match the word hello. What’s the regex for that?
Mindblowing, I know.
Matching Multiple Times
Things get a bit more complicated when we allow loops, or want to draw arrows to nodes that are further back in the graph. I’ll save that for a different post focusing on regex and state machines. But the fact of the matter is, if we can loop around again to things we can pick up repeating patterns. What if we wanted to allow any number of exclamation points after hello?
That *
is saying that the character before it can repeat 0 to infinity times,
in this case the exclamation point. That means each of the following inputs
But things like hi
or hey
don’t succeed, because they don’t match each step
along the way.
Optional Characters
What if we wanted only one exclamation? Then we’d use the ?
operation, which
makes the character before it as optional, so allowing 0 or 1.
Matching Multiple Characters
What if we wanted to also accept hallo
The [ea]
is saying that either e
or a
can successfully move onto the next
step, which means now we succeed on any of the following inputs:
This can be combined with the aforementioned *
operation to allow any number
of e
s and a
s can be successful inputs:
Those last two don’t look right. Let’s address the last one first.
Matching one or more
So we know that we want one or more of the above letters, but the *
that we
already have is zero or more. Allow me to introduce the +
The +
is the operator that means one or more, so maybe what we want is:
And here are our outputs:
And that still doesn’t work. Bummer. Let’s try something else.
Groups and Alternation
Let’s group those two together, so we can operate on them a little differently.
This is currently nearly the same as the [ea]
. The ()
group things together,
and then the |
says that either option in the current group (or current
expression, if not inside a group) is acceptable. It’s a little more
flexible, because we can change either side:
And here are our outputs:
Say we only wanted to allow 1-5 e
s or 2-4 a
s. (I understand this is getting
a little silly at this point, but stay with me). We can use {1,5}
instead of a
on our e
, and {2,4}
instead of +
on the a
This gives us these outputs:
This also means the the previous ?
could be represented as {0,1}
Character Ranges (Sets)
If we wanted to match any letter from a to z, that would get to be pretty verbose, looking something like this:
Instead, we’re given character ranges, that let us represent this as a very easy
shorthand, a-z
This works on numbers, too, and cares about cases:
As one might expect, you can also escape characters to allow matching on them:
This pattern matches any number of lowercase letters in parenthesis.
Example: Building a Simple US Phone Number Pattern
Let’s start out simple with some options of what we want to try to match:
(123) 456-7890
123 456-7890
Let’s start with the first three digits:
This is a bit complicated, but it sets us up to match either (123) or 123, but not a mix of the two. Next, let’s work on the dash between the first and second block of digits. We want a space, if we have the parenthesis, or either a space and a dash afterwards:
(\([0-9]{3}\) )|([0-9]{3}[ -])
Now for the second and third blocks of digits, combined by a dash:
(\([0-9]{3}\) )|([0-9]{3}[ -])[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}
Character Classes
It’d be a shame if we had to type out the [0-9] every time we wanted a digit, or [A-z] every time we wanted a text character. That’s why regex introduces us short escape codes called Character Classes that represent common groups of characters:
is for digit,[0-9]
is for word,[A-z0-9\-_]
is for space,[ \n\r]
Negating Sets
If you instead prefer to match anything but what’s in the braces, you can
negate a set with [^...]
This would match anything 1-6 characters long that didn’t contain any digit from 0 to 4, inclusive.
Negated Character Classes
Just as you can negate a set, you can use a capital letter to negate a character class:
is for digit,[^0-9]
is for word,[^A-z0-9\-_]
is for space,[^ \n\r]
Groups and Non-Capturing Groups
We’ve used groups already, but we should be aware that there are two types of groups: capturing and non-capturing. Capturing groups are the parenthesis-based groups that we’ve used before. Regex engines will allow us to pull specific pieces out of a match based on the order of the capturing groups.
The other type of group is a non-capturing group, which still allows grouping
functionality without pulling anything into captured groups. These are started
with a few extra characters: (?:...)
. Let’s update our phone regex to capture
each group of digits, and nothing else:
(?:(\([0-9]{3}\)) )|(?:([0-9]{3})[ -])([0-9]{3})-([0-9]{4})
This isn’t as nice as it could be, but here are what we get back from some inputs:
Input | Group 0 | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
(123)-456-7890 |
<empty> |
<empty> |
<empty> |
<empty> |
<empty> |
(123) 456-7890 |
(123) 456-7890 |
123 |
<empty> |
456 |
7890 |
123 456-7890 |
123 456-7890 |
<empty> |
123 |
456 |
7890 |
123-456-7890 |
123 456-7890 |
<empty> |
123 |
456 |
7890 |
This makes it super easy to put things in a consisten format, even when they might be entered in a non-standard format. These are often the most important result of doing anything in regex, because they allow you to specify formats and then extract pertinent information.
Hopefully this gives you the resources you need to start writing at least basic regex. It can be a powerful tool if used in the right circumstances, and a powerful, high-caliber footgun if used incorrectly. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on Discord.
Other Resources
- Regexr is incredibly useful. It lets you write and test your regex on a variety of text, and helps to explain and visualize it as you go. It was instrumental in creating this post.